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Enhance Business Acumen
in a Fun Way

A discovery learning program for Management, Operations & Professional Teams

Paradigm Learning Inc (USA) has been providing innovative learning solutions for businesses over 2 decades.  Now in this region, Paradigm Learning AsiaPac continues its consistent delivery in public and in-house customized programs through a team of certified facilitators.

Today’s businesses rely more than ever on their people for insights when making critical decisions. The challenge for entire workforces is to align their focus and priorities with overall corporate goals — while considering Returns On Investment (ROI), revenue growth and profitability.

Though many employees do not have financial backgrounds, they are expected to possess the business acumen that is foundation for making confident, informed recommendations. Everyone needs to know how their companies make and spend money — how business works — to be effective and credible.  Whether you aspire to play a more strategic role or aspire to be in C-Suite, this two day program sets you off on the journey.

Zodiak®: The Game of Biz Finance & Strategy is a sophisticated simulation disguised as a board game — a fast-paced, energizing and engaging way to build business acumen of employee. It’s designed to work right out of the box for companies in any industry, and yet can be fully customized to address unique business conditions and challenges.

THE SIMULATION: Participants become the new owners of a struggling company and make critical operating decisions that CEOs address every day. They handle chance events, move game pieces and respond to investors. They deal with issues such as linking their depts’ budgets to the overall financial picture … aligning department goals to organization objectives…analyzing and communicating ROI…and more. And they embrace new insights — not just how the numbers work but the consequences of their actions on financial success.

CONNECTIONS: Exercises after the simulation create a bridge from the classroom to learners’ real-time work environments. With a fresh perspective of how a company works, learners can effectively explore their real organization’s strategies, processes, terminology, profit drivers, cash flow, competition and more. They connect their day-to-day behaviors to how they impact the bottom line.


Participants develop significantly higher levels of financial literacy and business acumen:

  • Are able to articulate the organization’s financial and strategic imperatives

  • Demonstrate the value of their programs and services

  • Increase their credibility and confidence with senior executives and stakeholders

  • Align departmental and personal goals to overall company success

  • Make better decisions and inspire others to do the same.

Overall, participants develop a big-picture understanding of the company’s financial and strategic goals. They see the link between their departmental & organizational objectives and their own, where they fit, and how they can make a difference.


USES: Zodiak is an excellent way to broaden your leadership development curriculum… engage people around company vision and strategy… help managers communicate major changes to other employees… help their staff understand how they affect the bottom line … energize their departments’ event or meeting.  

This program is highly customizable to link the learning outcomes from the business game to the organization’s financial numbers (or that of a similar industry’s) with scenarios and exercises designed to make them relevant to the workplace. The exercises will also help participants generate ideas on how they are able to contribute personally and with their teams to business outcomes.


Zodiak® The Game of Business Finance & Strategy is Paradigm’s award winning program.  It has a huge following among Fortune 1000 and large organizations; they embrace this program to enhance their people’s business and financial literacy.  Interestingly, Boeing has put 8,000 people through this program. Worldwide 2m people have increased their business acumen through this business simulation.

“The program was one of the most engaging ones I have attended. I learn that everyone and every action regardless how small can contribute to the co’s profitability”.

 - A Major Airline

Full 2-Day Business Acumen workshop

  • SGD 450 per day per person  (Standard Rate to public & orgns)

  • Special Rates for IHRP members SGD 380 (after 15% special discount)

Free Preview Session

  • A 2-hour session to provide you with a demo on how the program works

Sign up for a Free Preview

The bottom line impacts everyone, and everyone impacts the bottom line.

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